JZXGarage New Year Meeting

Lockdown is over!
The whole group has not seen each other for over a year. Time for a quick meet to celebrate the new year.

The early birds to the meet.
Choonga has been enjoying his KE70 since its now back on the road.
Jimmy’s ol faithful ‘stock’ Lancer
Always up for a drive.
Tof the only one buying modern cars out of the group, making everyone think about their life decisions.
But who dreams of an ISF? AE86s are where its at.
The 612 division
Since Classic Japan was off in 2020, Gino couldn’t take his car out that once a year.
He came out today though 😀
Corona Virus UK Strain
The sun came out, quick drive to a better location.
To think these two are worth the same price now.
ISF are slowing going up now too though.
Can see why, the proportions are perfect
Then we have two pure drivers machines made popular by animes
Other great driving machines
Sold as sporty but not actually sporty.
Everyone needs a V8 in their life
It got pretty hot afterwards, and we’re all old now with chores to do.
Was great seeing everyone again, to think everyone present today met each other because we all had a JZX at one point in our lives.

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